- A tool for families, educators, and communities to access data about how schools are doing. In Nevada, this is referred to as the Nevada Performance Framework (NSPF) or Nevada Report Card.
- A state-designed accountability system encouraging continuous improvement and support for low-performing schools.
- Highlights schools that are successfully educating all students and closing gaps between groups of students.
- Demonstrates clarity around areas of growth for schools that aren’t effectively educating all students.
- Empowers parents to make data-informed decisions about their child’s education.
- Sets a high bar for student achievement aligned to national standards.
These measures hold schools accountable to the success of all students.
Performance Indicators
Commitment to all students
Our communities are diverse. A great school ensures that students from all backgrounds are succeeding.
English language proficiency
Many students in our communities enter school with a limited ability to speak English. We know that learning the English language is a foundation for future success in school and beyond.
Emphasis on student growth
Students come to school with diverse backgrounds and school experiences. Great schools make sure all students are growing quickly, regardless of their starting point.
Highlight college and career readiness
Looking ahead, the most jobs will require training after high school. It’s critical that our students are prepared for college and careers so they can have access to all available opportunities.
Student engagement
The foundation for any great school is having a strong community where students want to be.
A College-Ready student is:
- Ready for higher education or post-secondary training without the need for remedial coursework (courses to build basic skills before acceptance into college-level courses).
- Has the reading, writing, mathematics, social, and cognitive skills to qualify for and succeed in the college of their dreams.
A Career-Ready student is:
- Equipped with the knowledge and technical skills needed to get and excel in the career of their dreams.
- Positioned to be competitive in the job space.
- Ability to think critically, make decisions, and overcome problems.
- (K-2nd grade): Growing as fast or faster than peers nationally on the NWEA measure of adequate progress (MAP).
- (3-8th grade): Scoring proficient or higher on the college-ready aligned Smarter Balanced Assessment.
- (9-12th grade): Score three or higher on end of course exams in each subject.
- (11th grade) On track to graduate with an ACT score of 22 (which will require no remedial coursework in college).
The ACT is a test all 11th grade students in Nevada take as a college readiness assessment. An ACT score of 22 is a baseline for college readiness without a student needing to repeat high school work once they get to college. The highest possible ACT score is 36.
In 2018, in partnership with the Nevada Department of Education and a community advisory group, the Data Recognition Corporation designated scores to determine if a student is considered proficient (on grade level) based on their score on the ACT.
The State determined that a student is proficient (on grade level) on the ACT if he/she scores a 17 or higher (up to 36) on the English Language Arts portion (a combination of English, reading, and writing).
Note: The designated ACT proficiency cut scores above are LOWER than the college entry score requirements for students who do not wish to take remedial courses, which is a 22.
The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) is a group of states that worked collaboratively to develop assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards in English language arts and mathematics. Nevada is one of 21 governing states who participate in the state decision-making process that regulates the consortium.
The number of 11th grade students who are ready to go to college without having to take remedial classes that do not count towards college credit. An ACT score of 22 is a baseline for college readiness without a student needing to repeat high school work once they get to college.
Targeted Support and Improvement Schools, or TSI Schools, are identified based on how schools are meeting the needs of ALL student subgroups (American Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, Multi-Race, Caucasian, English Learner, Students With Disabilities, and Economically Disadvantaged Students).
Schools that are performing well, but show different performance with different groups of students are given this designation and are eligible for additional support from the State. The schools with the biggest gaps in performance between groups of students cannot receive a rating higher than 3-Stars in the year of initial designation. Read more.
Schools that are identified as TSI for three years in a row can move on to a more intense intervention.
In accordance with the U.S. Department of Education waiver in response to COVID-19 school building closures, states are given some flexibility on school data that is reported. NSPF star ratings were last calculated by the Nevada Department of Education for the 2018-2019 school year.