Opportunity180 - Great Schools. All Kids.
Opportunity180 - Great Schools. All Kids.

District A Summary

REGION: District A SCHOOL LEVEL: All Schools SELECT SCHOOL: No School Selected




Free or Reduced Lunch
Learning English
Individual Education Plan
Two or More Races
Pacific Islander
Am In/AK Native


Show Schools by Star Rating 2023
Show Schools by Star Rating 2019


Below is the total percent of all students proficient, or "on grade level", in the District A region by subject. Students are considered on-grade level if they receive a 3 (for proficient) or a 4 (for advanced) on the end of year state assessment called the Smarter Balanced test (SBAC). For middle schools, this includes all 8th grade students.

Elementary Schools

Reading - 59%
Math - 51%
Science - 26%

Middle Schools

Reading - 55%
Math - 35%
Science - 41%

High Schools

ACT score of 22 or better - 30%
Graduation Rate - 90%


Below is an average of the points scored in each category on the Nevada Report Card.

Elementary Schools

[+] [-] Academic Achievement (avg)
[+] [-] Student Growth (avg)
[+] [-] English Language Proficiency (avg)
[+] [-] Opportunity Gaps (avg)
[+] [-] Student Engagement (avg)
[+] See Elementary Schools Definitions
Academic Achievement--Student Proficiency

Academic Achievement is a measure of student performance based on a single administration of the State assessment. Cut scores are set that determine the achievement level needed to be proficient on the assessment.

Student Proficiency is determined by calculating the percent of students in the school who met (Level 3) and exceed standards (Level 4) on the State assessments.

Points are earned based on a pooled average (total number of students proficient on all three assessments divided by total number of students taking all three assessments).

Student Growth

Student growth is a measure of performance on the state assessments over time.

  • Student Growth Percentile (SGP) is a measure of student achievement over time and compares the achievement of similar subgroups of students from one test administration to the next. An SGP from 35 to 65 is considered typical growth.
  • Median Growth Percentile (MGP) is a summary of the student growth percentiles (SGP) in a school. A school's Median Growth Percentile (MGP) is determined by rank ordering all the SGPs in the school from lowest to highest and finding the median or middle number.
  • Adequate Growth Percentile (AGP) describes the amount of growth a student needs to remain or become proficient on the State assessment in three years.
English Language Proficiency

English Language Proficiency is a measure of English Learners achieving English Language proficiency on the State English Language Proficiency assessment, WIDA. The NSPF includes Adequate Growth Percentiles to determine if English Language Learners are meeting the goal toward English Language proficiency. Students meeting their growth targets should be on track to become English proficient and exit English language status in five years.

Opportunity Gaps

Closing Opportunity Gaps is a measure of non-proficiency. This measure includes students who were non-proficient on the previous year's State assessment and determines if those students in the current assessment administration succeeded in meeting their Adequate Growth Percentile. This is a measure of gap between proficient and non-proficient students.

Student Engagement

Student Engagement is a measure of Chronic Absenteeism and Climate Survey Participation. Research shows that attendance matters and that chronic absenteeism places students at risk of failure. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10 percent, or more, of school days for any reason, including excused, unexcused or disciplinary absences. Students who are absent due to school sponsored activities are not considered absent for the purposes of this calculation.

[-] Collapse Elementary School Definitions

Middle Schools

[+] [-] Academic Achievement (avg)
[+] [-] Student Growth (avg)
[+] [-] English Language Proficiency (avg)
[+] [-] Opportunity Gaps (avg)
[+] [-] Student Engagement (avg)
[+] See Middle School Definitions
Academic Achievement--Student Proficiency

Academic Achievement is a measure of student performance based on a single administration of the State assessment. Cut scores are set that determine the achievement level needed to be proficient on the assessment.

Student Proficiency is determined by calculating the percent of students in the school who met (Level 3) and exceed standards (Level 4) on the State assessments.

Points are earned based on a pooled average (total number of students proficient on all three assessments divided by total number of students taking all three assessments).

Student Growth

Student growth is a measure of performance on the state assessments over time.

  • Student Growth Percentile (SGP) is a measure of student achievement over time and compares the achievement of similar subgroups of students from one test administration to the next. An SGP from 35 to 65 is considered typical growth.
  • Median Growth Percentile (MGP) is a summary of the student growth percentiles (SGP) in a school. A school's Median Growth Percentile (MGP) is determined by rank ordering all the SGPs in the school from lowest to highest and finding the median or middle number.
  • Adequate Growth Percentile (AGP) describes the amount of growth a student needs to remain or become proficient on the State assessment in three years.
English Language Proficiency

English Language Proficiency is a measure of English Learners achieving English Language proficiency on the State English Language Proficiency assessment, WIDA. The NSPF includes Adequate Growth Percentiles to determine if English Language Learners are meeting the goal toward English Language proficiency. Students meeting their growth targets should be on track to become English proficient and exit English language status in five years.

Opportunity Gaps

Closing Opportunity Gaps is a measure of non-proficiency. This measure includes students who were non-proficient on the previous year's State assessment and determines if those students in the current assessment administration succeeded in meeting their Adequate Growth Percentile. This is a measure of gap between proficient and non-proficient students.

Student Engagement

Student Engagement is a measure of Chronic Absenteeism and Climate Survey Participation. Research shows that attendance matters and that chronic absenteeism places students at risk of failure. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10 percent, or more, of school days for any reason, including excused, unexcused or disciplinary absences. Students who are absent due to school sponsored activities are not considered absent for the purposes of this calculation.

[-] Collapse Middle School Definitions

High Schools

[+] [-] Academic Achievement (avg)
[+] [-] Graduation (avg)
[+] [-] English Language Proficiency (avg)
[+] [-] College & Career Readiness (avg)
[+] [-] Student Engagement (avg)
[+] See High School Definitions
Academic Achievement--Student Proficiency

Academic Achievement is a measure of student performance based on a single administration of the State assessment. Cut scores are set that determine the achievement level needed to be proficient on the assessment.

Student Proficiency is determined by calculating the percent of students in the school who met (Level 3) and exceed standards (Level 4) on the State assessments.

Points are earned based on a pooled average (total number of students proficient on all three assessments divided by total number of students taking all three assessments).


The cohort graduation rate is determined through the cohort validation process and follows federal guidelines for reporting an adjusted cohort grauation rate. This process usually results in preliminary graduation rates in October, with disaggregated rates determined in December. Because these dates are past the required state school accountability reporting date of September 15th, the cohort rates used for this indicator lags one yaear behind the other accountability indicators in the school rating system.

English Language Proficiency

English Language Proficiency is a measure of English Learners achieving English Language proficiency on the State English Language Proficiency assessment, WIDA. The NSPF includes Adequate Growth Percentiles to determine if English Language Learners are meeting the goal toward English Language proficiency. Students meeting their growth targets should be on track to become English proficient and exit English language status in five years.

College and Career Readiness

The college and career readiness indicator is made up of three measures: Average ACT Composite Score, Ninth and Tenth Grade Credit Sufficiency, and percent of students achieving college and career readiness status (Level 3 or 4) on the Math, ELA or Science End-of-Course assessments.

Student Engagement

Student Engagement is a measure of Chronic Absenteeism and Climate Survey Participation. Research shows that attendance matters and that chronic absenteeism places students at risk of failure. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10 percent, or more, of school days for any reason, including excused, unexcused or disciplinary absences. Students who are absent due to school sponsored activities are not considered absent for the purposes of this calculation.

[-] Collapse High School Definitions
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