
About This Tool

The Great Schools All Kids (GSAK) data portal is a great way to find the most recent school data all in one place. It is a community source to learn more about data that shows us how schools are doing. School data is provided by the Nevada Department of Education every September. The Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF) is a summary of public school performance. It’s like a report card for schools that also tells us about how students are performing in that school. You can use this portal to stay engaged with your local public schools, ask questions, and more.

Creating excellent public schools for all kids cannot be done alone.

All stakeholders must understand how school quality is measured and how schools are held accountable for student success. It is also essential to operate with a willingness to explore data, emerging trends, and other perspectives at the school and community levels to ensure positive outcomes for all students in all public schools.

The categories below are a start to the critical all hands-on-deck in public education, and how each of us will be accountable to all kids:

  • Families are critical partners in their child’s education – the growth and success of their child is a priority, they advocate for their child, and they seek to understand how they support their child’s success inside and outside the classroom.
  • Teachers foster the learning of all students, regardless of their unique backgrounds and needs. Teachers have an unwavering commitment to effectively engage all students, give them the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in college, career and life, and continuously improve year-after-year.
  • Principals establish a safe and inclusive school culture aligned to a vision for quality learning and growth of all students. Principals should also celebrate the success of excellent teachers and support the improvement of those who aren’t showing improvement towards student achievement.
  • The state and districts are accountable to providing resources and school-based support by aligning on goals, setting clear expectations, supporting the development of teachers and leading improvements to chronically low-performing schools to ultimately serve all students.

How To Use This Tool

When it comes to student success, families are a school’s #1 partner.

To be a fully engaged partner in public education, it is important to understand how school quality is measured and how schools are held accountable for the success of all students. With the Great Schools All Kids (GSAK) portal, families have easy access to information about how their neighborhood public schools are doing. The tool is also a resource for educators to better understand the state’s school performance information to be able to share the information with families and students. The Great Schools All Kids tool is available in English and Spanish, desktop and mobile, and uses the most recent data from the Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF).

How are public schools in my neighborhood performing?

Use this data tool to:

  • Search public schools to get a snapshot of how they are performing.
  • Access information about Nevada and all school districts in Nevada.
  • See how schools in your neighborhood are doing by searching the school name or your zip code.
  • Compare your school to other public elementary, middle, or high schools.
  • Get your questions answered.

Explore Features:

  • School Finder Tool: Not sure which school to search for? This tool displays a list of all public schools located near a specified address. Sort through all nearby schools by academic performance (star rating), enrollment, or student population. Find any district school, public charter school, and/or a magnet school located closest to a specified zip code.
  • Equity Data: The portal includes student performance data by subgroup, an important component to assess how a school is serving all student populations.
  • Year-Over-Year Comparison: The portal displays the most recent school performance data, including the change in results year-over-year (increased, decreased or stayed the same).
  • School Comparison: In response to community feedback, a compare feature is available to get side-by-side comparisons of up to three schools of the same grade configuration (elementary, middle, or high).
  • Webinar & Tour: Pre-recorded informational webinars show families how to navigate the GSAK tool. Families can also register for an upcoming live virtual tour for step-by-step instructions and to ask questions.

Great Schools All Kids is an initiative of Opportunity 180. Have questions about information or data in this portal? Please reach out to us at community@opportunity180.org.