
Discover and Hold the Keys to Thriving Education with Our Resources

When families are engaged and informed, they are a powerful partner in educational outcomes, helping to make schools great and giving kids the support they need to thrive.

For more information on the latest news, events, and information for families, sign up to receive the monthly North Star News.

Great Schools All Kids

Street clock

Access public school data to find a school, compare schools, and learn how your student’s school performs. Available in English, Spanish, and Tagalog.

Ways to Engage

Backpacks stored on hangers

Discover resources to stay connected with your school and learn about decisions impacting students and Nevada education. Questions to ask schools in English and Spanish.

Charter School Enrollment

Children looking at book shelf

Applications are open now for many charter schools. Get information about when and how to apply to a charter school for the 2024-2025 school year.

Types of Public Schools

Group of kids in graduation outfits

There are many types of public schools for families. This includes your neighborhood (or district) school, charter schools, magnet programs, and more.

Find My Elected Representatives

Kids focused on teacher in classroom

Find your local and state elected officials. This includes your State Assembly and Senate representatives, school board members, and others who represent your city or county.